オム・ジョンファ, イ・ヒョリ/Um Jung-hwa, Lee Hyo-ri/엄정화, 이효리
나는 너의 가장 어두운 기억ナヌン ノエ カジャン オドゥウン キオ
ク아니 실은 가장 아름다운 순간이야アニ シルン カジャン アル
ムダウン スンガニヤ
maybe you can hate memaybe you can hate me
나는 너인데ナヌン ノインデ
거울 속에 너 그건 바로 나コウ
ル ソゲ ノ クゴン パロ ナ
I'm your delusionI'm your delusion
be my betterbe my better
아주 달콤한 제안이 있어アジュ タ
ルコマン ジェアニ イ
be my betterbe my better
would you like to stealwould you like to steal
would you like to hearwould you like to hear
beat me harder 날 없애봐beat me harder ナ
ル オ
그게 제일 어려워 어려워クゲ ジェイ
ル オリョウォ オリョウォ
난 니가 숨기고 숨겨왔던ナン ニガ ス
ムギゴ ス
제일 깊고 어두운 너를 이해할ジェイ
ル キ
プコ オドゥウン ノル
ル イヘハ
ルthe only one the only friendthe only one the only friend
너에게만 보이는 나ノエゲマン ポイヌン ナ
open your eyes wideopen your eyes wide
is that you is that meis that you is that me
is that you is that meis that you is that me
나는 너의 가장 그리운 기억ナヌン ノエ カジャン クリウン キオ
ク아니 실은 가장 지우고픈 모습이야アニ シルン カジャン チウゴプン モスビヤ
누구를 더 믿니 우리 둘 중에ヌグル
ル ト ミンニ ウリ トゥ
ル チュンエ
거울 속에 나 거기 있는 너コウ
ル ソゲ ナ コギ インヌン ノ
I'm your delusionI'm your delusion
come in closercome in closer
아주 무서운 비밀이 있어アジュ ムソウン ピミリ イ
feel me closerfeel me closer
would you like to knowwould you like to know
would you like to hearwould you like to hear
beat me harder 날 없애도beat me harder ナ
ル オ
나는 다시 찾아와 찾아와ナヌン タシ チャジャワ チャジャワ
난 니가 숨기고 숨겨왔던ナン ニガ ス
ムギゴ ス
제일 깊고 어두운 너를 이해할ジェイ
ル キ
プコ オドゥウン ノル
ル イヘハ
ルthe only one the only friendthe only one the only friend
너에게만 보이는 나ノエゲマン ポイヌン ナ
open your eyes wideopen your eyes wide
is that you is that meis that you is that me
is that you is that meis that you is that me
넌 어제의 니가 아니래도ノン オジェエ ニガ アニレド
변한 건 없다는 걸 니가 알고 있는 걸ピョナン コン オ
プタヌン コ
ル ニガ ア
ルツコ インヌン コ
ル난 알고 있어 oh hushナン ア
ルツコ イ
ツソ oh hush
난 니가 숨기고 숨겨왔던ナン ニガ ス
ムギゴ ス
제일 깊고 어두운 너를 이해할ジェイ
ル キ
プコ オドゥウン ノル
ル イヘハ
ルthe only one the only friendthe only one the only friend
너에게만 보이는 나ノエゲマン ポイヌン ナ
open your eyes wideopen your eyes wide
is that you is that meis that you is that me
is that you is that meis that you is that me