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ラッパーホリック(Feat. Steady-B) 読み方とPV付きの歌詞 랩퍼 홀릭 Code Name : Gotti
にほんブログ村 音楽ブログ K-POPへ

Code Name : Gotti (Feat. Steady-B)
Code Name : Gotti (Feat. Steady-B)
Code Name : Gotti

ラッパーホリック(Feat. Steady-B)/Rapper Holic(Feat. Steady-B)/랩퍼 홀릭(Feat. 스테디 비)

불가능 그에 계속된 끝없는 인간의 도전은 아주 오랜 옛날 역사의 시작에서 비롯되었다고 한다 여기에 서있는 나 조차도 역시 그에 매료된 자 거역할 수 없는 운명으로 다가선 그에 변화무쌍함으로 맞섬으로써 한계선을 넘어선 진정한 위대함을 바로 나 여기 이곳에서 얻고자 한다. now, it's the show time 유래없는 혁신적인 패러다임 그것은 마치 사방이 막힌 그런 듯 갇힌 공간속에서 출구를 찾아내는 것과 같이 불가사의, 거기서 시작되는 차이 어느 덧 피부 속 깊숙히 파고드는 심상찮은 공기 그몸을 감싼채로 deep, deep 보다 더 높은 차원으로 It ain't nothing but some more bombshit baby you better know who I'm rappin' shit with any idea who you gonna meet? ya already know the RAW to da D O double G you see we do it so neat just take a seat and just chill and feel da beat on this track before you go wack before you say bitch please listen to my lyrics there's your keys indeed I know my flow is in need can't you see me from the C to the O D E believe me it's da S to da TEA D Y B my dignity! no question, work out a correct solution with my man code name gotti pumpin' it hard in this music think it's a tragic until you spell a magic so just ride wit me baby just flow with me peep, peep 숨겨진 문틈 사이로 beep, beep 세어져 나오는 신호 creep, creep 온 몸을 감싼 채로 deep, deep 보다 더 높은 차원으로 peep, peep 숨겨진 문틈 사이로 beep, beep 세어져 나오는 신호 ain't nuthin but high-tech weapon inside my hand It's goin down, the music gets the whole block blastin i'm on a mission, The bounce of the bass and treble levels on point, Let me rock the motherfuckin micphone it's my vision of life, everlastin' fight 혼란한 상황속에 계속되온 교착상태 해결하기 힘든 난제 로 하달되는 지령 Gotti does demolition, nil competition Like solid snake on the impregnable fortress destroy mission droppin' bombs, my style with that raw funk twist take a ride with this, back and forth in the fat ass mix Now a starchild, phenomenon like the X-files Rappers know I'm comin so they go in exile Kaiser in this rap shit, comin on your matrix it's the raw funk rhythm, the rebel the beat cradle peep, peep 숨겨진 문틈 사이로 beep, beep 세어져 나오는 신호 creep, creep 온 몸을 감싼 채로 deep, deep 보다 더 높은 차원으로 peep, peep 숨겨진 문틈 사이로 beep, beep 세어져나오는 신호 creep, creep 온 몸을 감싼 채로 deep, deep 보다 더 높은 차원으로
ガヌン クエ キェソトゥェン クトヌン インガネ トジョヌン アジュ オレン イェンナ ヨサエ シジャゲソ ピロトゥェオタゴ ハンダ ヨギエ ソインヌン ナ チョチャド ヨシ クエ メリョドゥェン チャ コヨカ ス オヌン ウンミョンウロ タガソン クエ ピョヌァムサンハムロ マソムロソ ハンゲソヌ ノモソン チンジョンハン ウィデハム パロ ナ ヨギ イゴセソ オコジャ ハンダ. now, it's the show time ユレオヌン ヒョシンジョギン ペロダイ クゴスン マチ サバンイ マキン クロン トゥ カティン コンガンソゲソ チュグル チャジャネヌン コクヮ カチ プガサエ, コギソ シジャトゥェヌン チャイ オヌ ト ピブ ソ キスキ パゴドゥヌン シサンチャヌン コンギ クモム カサンチェロ deep, deep ポダ ト ノプン チャウォヌロ It ain't nothing but some more bombshit baby you better know who I'm rappin' shit with any idea who you gonna meet? ya already know the RAW to da D O double G you see we do it so neat just take a seat and just chill and feel da beat on this track before you go wack before you say bitch please listen to my lyrics there's your keys indeed I know my flow is in need can't you see me from the C to the O D E believe me it's da S to da TEA D Y B my dignity! no question, work out a correct solution with my man code name gotti pumpin' it hard in this music think it's a tragic until you spell a magic so just ride wit me baby just flow with me peep, peep スギョヂン ムントゥ サイロ beep, beep セオジョ ナオヌン シノ creep, creep オン モム カサン チェロ deep, deep ポダ ト ノプン チャウォヌロ peep, peep スギョヂン ムントゥ サイロ beep, beep セオジョ ナオヌン シノ ain't nuthin but high-tech weapon inside my hand It's goin down, the music gets the whole block blastin i'm on a mission, The bounce of the bass and treble levels on point, Let me rock the motherfuckin micphone it's my vision of life, everlastin' fight ホラナン サンファンソゲ キェソトゥェオン キョチャサンテ ヘギョラギ ヒドゥン ナンジェ ロ ハダドゥェヌン チリョン Gotti does demolition, nil competition Like solid snake on the impregnable fortress destroy mission droppin' bombs, my style with that raw funk twist take a ride with this, back and forth in the fat ass mix Now a starchild, phenomenon like the X-files Rappers know I'm comin so they go in exile Kaiser in this rap shit, comin on your matrix it's the raw funk rhythm, the rebel the beat cradle peep, peep スギョヂン ムントゥ サイロ beep, beep セオジョ ナオヌン シノ creep, creep オン モム カサン チェロ deep, deep ポダ ト ノプン チャウォヌロ peep, peep スギョヂン ムントゥ サイロ beep, beep セオジョナオヌン シノ creep, creep オン モム カサン チェロ deep, deep ポダ ト ノプン チャウォヌロ

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랩퍼 홀릭
Total : 7
Total : 7
PR 今月のPTランキング